Our experts help students increase their scores with scheduled Mock exams. Mocks are exams similar to the actual exam. Practicing mocks will give you an idea of the kind of questions that can be expected on the test day. Mock exams will help you become accustomed to the style, format, and degree of difficulty of the real thing.
Scheduled Your Mock Exams
With scheduled Mocks, you will be able to analyze your preparation and performance. Tutors could assess your development and provide you with an assessment of how effective your preparation is. Mocks will aid in your retention of the ideas and prevent you from forgetting what you have learned and mastered.

Various Type of Mock Exams
To help you prepare for the exam, we offer different types of practice, including practice problems and mock exams. Mock exams are the nearest students will get in preparation for the real thing.
We have SAT/ACT, AP Courses, TOEFL, and IELTS mock exams for you to order to practice. If you have no time for courses and would only like to do Mock practices, this is the right choice. You can choose from taking the Mock online or downloading it to your laptop.
Practicing with similar like/actual questions is essential for exam success. The mock exams content ensures that all of the topics and question types tested on the ACT/SAT, AP Courses and TOEFL/IELTS as prescribed by the officials are covered. The appropriate level of difficulty of the questions accurately measures your score and informs you of your readiness for the actual test.
- Before you begin, carefully read everything.
- Choose, plan, and write your responses, re-reading the question as you go.
- Verify that you followed the instructions exactly.
- Before you finish, double-check your work.
- You might be able to find someone to read your responses and make sure your writing is legible and your
work makes sense.
Practicing with similar like/actual questions is essential for exam success. The mock exams content ensures that all of the topics and question types tested on the ACT/SAT, AP Courses and TOEFL/IELTS as prescribed by the officials are covered. The appropriate level of difficulty of the questions accurately measures your score and informs you of your readiness for the actual test.
- Before you begin, carefully read everything.
- Choose, plan, and write your responses, re-reading the question as you go.
- Verify that you followed the instructions exactly.
- Before you finish, double-check your work.
- You might be able to find someone to read your responses and make sure your writing is legible and your
work makes sense.
How Our Mock Exams Service Works
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
Choose Your Mock Exams
After browsing through various type of mock exams Ace offered, choose the mock for your upcoming exams. Should you need any suggestions or questions that your might have, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Checkout Process
Add Mocks to your shopping cart, then finish the registration and payment process.
An email will follow with messages providing links, account password and description on how to begin the test. Should you opt to download, a downloading link will sent to your email.
Take Your Mock Exams
Now it’s time to take your mock exams. Approach your mock exam in exactly the same way as you would a real one! Working under actual exam conditions is the best way to take your mock exam. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, put away your textbooks, module materials, or notes, and try to finish the test in the time allotted.
Track Your Progress and Work with Our Tutors
Your can keep track of your progress through mock exams. If you ever need any help on improving your score, experience experts at ACE offered one-one tutoring and counseling. Based on your performance on the tests, tutor will assess and provide detailed explanation on your mistakes. ACE will help you rectify your weaknesses in order to reach your goal.